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(a) To provide a liaison between the members of the Association and to provide an opportunity for close collaboration among its members

(b) To provide means for considering and discussing questions and problems affecting the interests of the members of the Association in the Travel Industry.

(c) To promote professional and ethical conduct in the travel agency Industry.

(d) To print and publish any newsletter, periodicals, books and leaflets that the Association may think desirable for the promotion of its objectives with prior approval of the relevant authorities.

(e) To seek affiliation with all Tour and Travel related Associations in Malaysia and Globally.

(f) To promote cooperation with other organizations and agencies connected with the tourism industry.

(g) To invest in companies and projects related to the tourism and travel trade which will be beneficial to the Association. All profits derived shall be used to promote the objectives of the Association.

(h) To train, develop and enhance the knowledge and skills in the Tourism Industry.

(i) To encourage social activities which will promote understanding, goodwill and fellowship among members.

(j) To ensure fair competition in the spirit of free enterprise

(k) To organize or participate in activities related to the travel and tourism industry.

(l) To acquire buildings and assets for the benefit of the Association.