
MITTA @ Agathians Shelter Home

13 Apr 19

We had our CSR project at the Agathians Shelter Home in PJ in conjunction with the Tamil New Year on the 13th of April, 2019. There are about 50 kids there. They were all happy with the gifts we brought for them. they enjoyed the food and thanked all of us for the contribution in a short prayer. We wish to thank all our members who had contributed generously. Thank you so much.

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25 Apr 15

Nepal was hit with the worst disaster in 80 years killing more than 5000 people and destroying tons of buildings and centuries-old temples. Many were trapped and stranded in mounds of rubble. The victims were in desperate need of food and supplies and the entire world was rushing to assist.  MITA extended their support by contributing essential supplies such as tents, emergency lights and blankets to the victims.

The program was headed by Alina Rajoo, who took special effort in ensuring the supplies were packed and delivered to the victims within a short duration of time. MITA also recognizes and takes this opportunity to thank all fellow members who contributed towards the Relief Aid and ensured it was successfully deployed.


MITA @ Karunai Illam

01 Jan 05

This was MITA’s past project where children at the Karunai Illam were entertained during 2005 Deepavalli by all the members.  Below are some photos.